DreamSkin Health: Chickenpox Case Study

Friday, 12 April 2013

Chickenpox Case Study

Here at DreamSkin Health we are always looking for new ways our technology can help families. Chickenpox is a common childhood illness that affects most children at some point. As most parents probably know, it causes a rash of red, itchy spots that cause an extreme amount of discomfort and irritation. A big concern of parents is that the child’s desire to scratch could lead to permanent scarring of the skin. In the war against chickenpox parents have taped gloves to hands, applied copious amounts of calamine lotion and placed children in oatmeal baths.
DreamSkin Health garments are designed to treat skin conditions such as eczema. They help the skin to remain moist, stop irritants attacking the skin and help the skin to maintain its normal temperature. We believed that similar results could be had by those currently suffering from chickenpox.
We received a case study of two girls aged 4 and 7, who trialled our garments to see if they could help relieve the symptoms of chickenpox, and sedate that irresistible urge to scratch away at the skin. The mother of both these girls told us how happy she was with the performance of DreamSkin.  
Her youngest child had typical chickenpox symptoms.
'She started with a few large blisters on her torso and after about 3 days she had many more blisters on her arms, legs and on her face’ mother told us ‘From the very first spot I put her into the DreamSkin pyjamas’.
She reported to us that her daughter had almost no urge to scratch.
'I am absolutely convinced that these pyjamas helped to reduce the itch associated with chickenpox and so helped to reduce the likely hood that her chickenpox will have left permanent scars’.
The mother’s seven year old had similar results.
'Despite a high temperature and getting hot in the night she never once said that she was itchy, or tried to scratch at the spots’.
Chickenpox can be a very stressful and traumatic time for both child and parents. DreamSkin garments may be able to provide relief from the extreme symptoms of chickenpox, and put an end to some of the more antiquated remedies.

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